Digital Maturity Assessment

Prioritise your investments and make informed decisions with a digital maturity assessment.
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Organisations are under increasing pressure to transform their operations, systems and supporting business processes to take advantage of new technologies. This can be a daunting task, especially for organisations that have a culture that is risk-averse and disintegrated or carrying significant longstanding technical debt. This struggle is often compounded by a number of factors, including:

A lack of understanding of what digital maturity means and how to measure it.
A lack of resources and expertise to implement digital transformation initiatives.
A lack of alignment between business and IT leaders on digital priorities.

Without a clear understanding of their digital maturity, organisations can struggle to make informed decisions about their digital transformation initiatives. They may invest in the wrong technologies, they may fail to appropriately consider the impacts on their customers and their workforce, or they may fail to make the appropriate adjustments to their business processes in order to implement them effectively.

What are the Benefits of a Digital Maturity Assessment?

Engaging Codex to undertake a digital maturity assessment helps organisations understand their current level of digital maturity and identify the gaps that need to be addressed. By understanding their digital maturity, organisations can better prioritise their investments and make more informed decisions about their digital transformation journey.

Codex’s Digital Maturity Assessment is a comprehensive and customised process that takes into account the unique needs and business goals of each organisation. The assessment typically includes: gathering information about the organisation’s digital capabilities and culture, benchmarking the organisation’s digital capabilities against other organisations of a similar size or operating in a similar sector, and generating a report that summarises the findings of the assessment and provides a digital maturity road map with recommendations for improvement.

A Codex Digital Maturity Assessment can provide organisations with a number of benefits, including:

A better understanding of their digital capabilities, including insights into their leadership, workforce, and culture.
A clear road map for improvement.
The ability to identify and prioritise investments in digital technologies.
A competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Talk to Us

We would love the opportunity to connect and understand more about the problems you are trying to solve.

Martin Campbell
Chief Executive Officer

Toby Vann
Founder/Chief Operations Officer

Get in touch to coordinate a meeting with one of our technical experts.
Australia: +61 7 3132 3002.