About Us

Our vision is to be

The Benchmark for Purpose-Driven Technology Consulting.

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At Codex, we work with value-aligned organisations to discover, design and deliver data, digital and cloud solutions that have meaningful impact on our people, clients and community.

Our Mission

Become an influential for-impact,
for-profit business that works with value-aligned organisations towards a sustainable, equitable and prosperous future for all.

Use the power of technology
to empower our customers to create a positive impact in the world.

Positively impact the communities
we operate in, with consideration for social cohesion, environmental conservation and economic growth.

Our Commitments

1Supporting sustainable economic development within our local communities through job growth and local service provision.

2Providing our people with personal and professional development; empowering them to be the best version of themselves.

3Minimising our environmental footprint in operations, while further protecting, restoring and advocating for the natural environment.

4Supporting underrepresented populations within our industry, community and partnerships.

5Uplifting our local communities through volunteering initiatives and pro-bono services.

Our Values

Codex is proud to be a values-driven organisation.
Our values are behind everything we do at Codex: they influence our decision-making; they define our target market; and ultimately, they guide the way we engage with our people, clients and community.


Be able to help our people, clients and community, by first understanding their problems.

At Codex, empathy is our compass. We lead with empathy in every situation. It is the core lens we apply when considering our people, clients and community. It is only through first understanding them, their stakeholders and their key issues, that we can best serve them, providing solutions to their highest priority problems.


Be part of the change we want to see in our industry, community and environment.

Our dedication to sustainability at Codex extends beyond environmental and social awareness. Codex was founded with sustainability as our core focus and priority. We operate for impact, for profit; never prioritising financial gain over sustainability. Codex, along with all of our people, client deliverables and organisational initiatives, will be a part of the change that we want to see in our industry, community and natural environment.


Be empowered to stand up for ourselves, our values, and each other.

We act with the courage of our convictions. It is vital that our people are empowered to be the best version of themselves, supported by our values and each other. We encourage our people to embrace their diversity and differences in background, culture, experiences and education. We value individuals who contribute diverse perspectives, fostering a collaborative environment where open dialogue and fresh ideas thrive, and the best idea wins.

Our Story

Founded by friends.
Built on values.
Driven by purpose.
We started this business to make a difference.

5 years badge

Proudly celebrating 5 years in business

Our Impact

Codex is a for-impact, for-profit organisation.

We don’t think that profit should be a dirty word, but our success is only measured by financial metrics second to our positive impact on our people, clients and community.

We pride ourselves on delivering meaningful impact for value-aligned organisations, in industries that are integral to a sustainable, prosperous and inclusive future. It’s by no accident that Codex primarily works with clients in Aged Care, Financial Services, Government, Not-for-profit, Technology, Manufacturing, Health, Fitness & Wellness, and Utilities. These industries are the foundation for economic, environmental and social progress.

Community Initiatives

World Ocean Day
Codex orchestrates beach cleanups in at-risk coastal areas in the communities within which we operate, to help protect our oceans for World Ocean Day.

FareShare Kitchen
Codex supports those in need through corporate volunteering at Australia’s largest charity kitchens, helping prepare meals with surplus food.

Plant-a-Tree Days
Codex runs annual Plant-A-Tree days, contributing to the restoration of crucial biodiversity regions in the communities within which we operate.

Pro-bono Commitments

Elaine Acworth
Founder, Playwright and Producer

Assembly of Elephants

Brisbane-based consultancy Codex rescued us. They took on the problem pro bono. We had a product, we thought we had a market, but we needed a delivery method – a way to market, sell and distribute the full digital capture and related materials. Codex created a full-service digital platform that answered all of these needs and folded it into the Assembly of Elephants website. The site is elegant, streamlined; it speaks to the kind of work we make and the sense of joy we think live performance brings. It has been made with great care, thoughtful consideration and meticulous attention to detail.

Kylie Lee-Archer
General Manager

Girls from Oz

Girls from Oz (g-oz) is a not-for-profit delivering Performing Arts programs in remote and regional communities. We believe in the value of Performing Arts participation for all children and teenagers but our purpose is specifically to engage Aboriginal adolescent and teenage girls in Halls Creek, Bidyadanga and Carnarvon in WA and Lockhart River and Kowanyama in QLD. While we are small we’re fortunate to have a wonderful community of supporters, one of whom works in the HR department at Codex! We’re so grateful to Megan for her digital transformation match-making.

From our first meeting with Julian, Nicholas, Jason and Nat we knew we were onto a great thing. Codex offered to transform our donor CRM came at exactly the right time and their offer to support g-oz by doing the work pro bono was a generosity we couldn’t have imagined. Once the discovery was underway we saw more and more ways that this work would positively impact our organisation. We worked closely with Jason and Nat and were so impressed by the way they questioned us about our organisation and needs, played everything back to us with such clarity and nutted out ways to achieve our aims in the system we’d chosen. The 55 page Discovery Report that they presented us at the end of many weeks of work included recommendations about the migration of our data, the integration of other platforms and automated workflows as well as roadmaps, timelines and personas. We couldn’t have asked for more.

The solution that Codex created for us has the obvious benefits of enhancing our donor relations, making our communications more personal and more efficient and offering data insights that will help us hone our fundraising strategy. But importantly the benefits don’t stop there. The project they have completed for us and the efficiencies they have achieved enable those of us working in the organisation to focus on the other things we do; the activities that directly and positively impact the Aboriginal children and teenaged girls who are, after all, our primary beneficiaries.

Our Team

Talk to Us

We would love the opportunity to connect and understand more about the problems you are trying to solve.

Martin Campbell
Managing Partner

Toby Vann

Get in touch to coordinate a meeting with one of our technical experts.
Australia: +61 7 3132 3002.